Seminar & Workshop
* 其他題目或內容均可因應貴 公司/ 機構需要,度身訂做。如欲了解詳情及查詢,歡迎致電 2114-0303 或電郵 mirinmok@anchor.hk 與企業培訓課程策劃部同事 Ms. Mirin Mok聯絡。
We offer a comprehensive selections of tailor-made topic for seminars and workshops with a wide range of participants.
Content are subjected to different themes or purpose of corporate, which includes but not limited to :
*Other topics or contents of training could be tailor-made upon request. For further details and enquiries, please contact our colleague Mirin Mok at 2114-0303.
- 正向心理
- 情緒及壓力管理
- 如何加強推動力
- 打造專業形象
- 提升突破自我,創造未來
- 提升及發揮領導魅力
- 培養高效團隊精神
- 逆境心態重整
- 80、90後輕鬆管理
- 重整事業及人生方向
- 提升溝通口才/ 建立良好溝通
- 公關危機處理
- 個人品牌管理
- 提升幽默感
- 激勵員工士氣
- 提升說話魅力
- 職場成功學
- 如何突破限制性信念?
- 創意思考
- 職場九型人格
- 知己知彼閱人術
- 筆跡心理學
- 環境心理學
- 高效銷售心理學
- 面試技巧及心得
- 提升全方位創造力
- 改革管理導向
- 客戶關係管理/ 高品質客戶服務
- 增強個人感染力
- 個人的成長與肯定
- 人生及職業生涯規劃
- 週年大會發佈
- 機構內部研討會
* 其他題目或內容均可因應貴 公司/ 機構需要,度身訂做。如欲了解詳情及查詢,歡迎致電 2114-0303 或電郵 mirinmok@anchor.hk 與企業培訓課程策劃部同事 Ms. Mirin Mok聯絡。
We offer a comprehensive selections of tailor-made topic for seminars and workshops with a wide range of participants.
Content are subjected to different themes or purpose of corporate, which includes but not limited to :
- Positive Thinking
- EQ & Stress Management
- Boost up motivation
- Professional Imaging Course
- Better Future
- The Charisma Leadership skills
- Team Building
- Change Management :Resist Adversity
- Managing the 80s & 90s
- Personal Development
- Excellent Communications
- PR/ Risk Management
- Personal Branding
- Sense of Humor Development
- Impelling morale of staffs
- Charismatic Eloquence
- The Strategy to success in workplace
- Breaking “Limiting Beliefs”
- Creativity
- Enneagram
- Mind Reading
- Psychographology
- Integral Environmental Psychoanalysis
- Effective Selling
- Interviewing skills
- Customer Services
- Personal Charm
- Press Conference
- Discussion Forum
*Other topics or contents of training could be tailor-made upon request. For further details and enquiries, please contact our colleague Mirin Mok at 2114-0303.